北欧・西欧の街歩き🍃/海外旅行/作業音楽/ボサノバ音楽/カフェ巡り/コーヒーWalking around the streets of Northern Europe・Western Europe

北欧・西欧の街歩き🍃/海外旅行/作業音楽/ボサノバ音楽/カフェ巡り/コーヒーWalking around the streets of Northern Europe・Western Europe

☆音楽bgmとしても 海外旅行気分を味わうためにも。
☆Which castle should we visit?!…✨
☆ Today we will visit castles in Northern Europe and Western Europe while eating and drinking.
☆For music background music and to enjoy the feeling of traveling abroad.
☆어디의 성을 관광합시다?!…✨
☆오늘은 음식하면서, 북유럽·서유럽의 성 순회도 합니다.
☆음악 bgm로서 해외 여행 기분을 맛보기 위해서도.
#休憩 BGM
#コーヒー 入れ方
#want to be free
