kyocafe chacha ⁡#kyocafechacha#京カフェ#京ワッフル#京都#京都スイーツ#京都グルメ#京都カフェ#嵐山#嵐山スイーツ#嵐山グルメ#嵐山カフェ#カフェ#スイーツ#japan

kyocafe chacha ⁡#kyocafechacha#京カフェ#京ワッフル#京都#京都スイーツ#京都グルメ#京都カフェ#嵐山#嵐山スイーツ#嵐山グルメ#嵐山カフェ#カフェ#スイーツ#japan

“祇園 北川半兵衞”は、
『北川半兵衞商店』として11回、 契約栽培農家も合わせると40回以上の最高賞を獲得することが出来ました。祇園 北川半兵衞は、心を込めてお造りしたお茶をみなさまに味わって頂くことで、和の心と至高のひとときをお楽しみ頂けたら幸いです。
◼︎祇園 北川半兵衞 本店
(京都府京都市東山区祇園町南側570-188)◼︎祇園 北川半兵衞 なんば店
(大阪市浪速区日本橋3丁目5-25 シタディーンなんば大阪 1階)
◼︎祇園 北川半兵衞 東京丸ビル店
(東京都千代田区丸の内二丁目4番1号丸の内ビルディング 地下1階(丸ビル))


Gion Kitagawa Hanbee is a tea wholesaler established in 1861,
Gion Kitagawa Hanbee is an authentic Japanese tea café produced by the long-established tea wholesaler Kitagawa Hanbee Shoten, which was founded in 1861 to sell Uji tea in Kyoto,
The cafe is an authentic Japanese tea cafe produced by Kitagawa Hanbee Shoten, a long-established tea wholesaler in Uji, Kyoto, which was founded in 1861.
The “tea masters” who have carried on the 160-year tradition of the company’s founding carefully select and blend tea leaves to create a tea that is free from astringency and has the best flavor and just the right amount of bitterness.
The tea leaves are carefully selected and blended by “tea masters” who have inherited the tradition of 160 years since the establishment of the company, creating a balance between the best flavor and a moderate bitterness.In the past 74 national tea competitions, our tea leaves have been awarded the “Best Tea in Japan” award,
In the past 74 national tea competitions, Kitagawa Hanbee Shoten has won the highest award 11 times, and more than 40 times when contract growers are included.We at Gion Kitagawa Hanbee hope that everyone can enjoy a moment of Japanese spirit and supreme pleasure by tasting our tea made with the utmost care.

